Resting is how You Maximize Your Performance and Productivity

There is a lot of talk about productivity, stress and burnout. No wonder. We're constantly bashed with an array of information. From our city lives, our friends and family, from the screens inside and outside our houses and pockets, and well, from a fast-paced type of lifestyle that we so cherish in the Western World. Sometimes we may say "I'll sleep when I'm dead", but truth be said, unless you truly are getting enough sleep to feel energised throughout your days, then you'll be dead sooner than before if you don't get enough sleep. Lack of sleep is tied to a lot of health issues and is hurting your productivity and happiness. A lot. While sleeping is resting, we also forget to, well, rest. Be it in the form of just laying down for a while, closing your eyes, meditating or just swerving away from the daily grind a bit, all forms of resting are beneficial. We should not confuse procrastinating or being lazy with resting; in fact, if you're procra...