Why Grit is your Greatest Strength

Let me start with one of my favourite stories ever: the one of Petra Majdič. She was a professional cross-country skiier from Slovenia who proved that four broken ribs and a punctured lung wasn't enough to stop her from getting the bronze during the Winter Olympics 2010 in Vancouver. After skidding on a patch of ice and suffering from a harsh fall while warming up, Petra defied her coach's advice and proceded get through with the qualifications, all the way to the semi-finals. In fact, it was only during the semi-final that one of her broken ribs punctured a lung. But that didn't stop her as she went on and competed on the final. She got the bronze medal. Despite the excruciating pain that Petra must've felt and the fact that what she did was plain dangerous, she went through with what she wanted the most, which in this case was competing. And compete she did. Now, I'm not saying that you have to go through extreme physical pain and fatigue in order to accompl...