Cutting on too many objects?
Despite my previous entry I would like now to delve on a rather different topic. Perhaps, in a way, almost opposite to collecting and hoarding: cutting down on items. In short, and before going on too strong, I do not believe you can own either too little or too much. In fact, it is better to avoid any judgements based on what someone owns, right? I hope so. The point of what I'm writing today goes directly to the 100 things project. Me, as an aspiring minimalist, who was trying to sever any sort of emotional contact with objects, also started cutting down on useless clutter. Well, most of it you definitely don't really have any emotional contact, but it definitely clutters your space. To be honest, I was guilty of what many people probably are: not getting rid of that old maganize or toy that even thought nothing kept me from throwing it away, I still didn't. So I went ahead and revised all my stuff. But I did this carefully, as I can't be arsed to follow strict ...