5 Powerful Seeds You Never Consider Eating

Eat lots of greens, cut down on your red meat, stop smoking and drinking so much. We pretty much know what's good and bad for our health, don't we? Well, yeah, but there are things we don't that could drastically improve nutrition and well-being.

Seeds. Yep, seeds. When added to regular meals, snacks, or even smoothies, they can offer quite the nutritional punch needed to keep you healthy and going through the motions. Here's a compiled list of five of the most powerful seeds you can implement in your diet:

#1 - Chia Seeds:
Getting a lot more exposure lately, you can add chias to pretty much anything you ingest. From the top of my head, I do not see any dish or salad where you can't add them, which makes these extremelly versatile. What makes them so special, then? Well, first off, they're an amazing source of Omega-3. This, however, is not what makes these seeds so craved. They're also packed with calcium, sodium, fiber, and protein. Not to mention they're this kind of nice crunchy, barely noticeable, when mixed up with other foods. This makes Chia seeds my personal favourite when it comes to these little creatures.

#2 - Flax Seeds: 
Flax seeds are also a great so-called superfood, and one of it's most obvious perks is the high ammount of fiber. Just like chia, they have a high ammount of everything good: from protein to omega-3. I would say that the only disadvantage is that you'll have to grind them before consuming, otherwise they won't be properly digested.

#3 - Sesame Seeds:
Well, these are a bit more known than the other ones, but nevertheless quite healthy and helpful and a personal favourite when it comes to adding on salads, chicken, and sushi. Yes, you see these quite often in sushi for good reason - the taste is not strong, and they're an amazing, rather crunchy complement. They're rich in Omega-6, Omega-3, protein, and a great deal of antioxidants.

#4 - Hemp Seeds: 
Ah, hemp seeds. Although these come from the cannabis plant, they do not really contain THC (around 0,03%), the psychoactive substance. Hemp seeds are some of the most potent seeds ever to be engineered by nature, containing all known 21 aminoacids and lots of the essencial fatty acids. It also packs a lot of protein, at around 34g per 100g of seeds. Their taste is strong but not unpleasant, and they're more chewy than other seeds. They're said to be easily digestible, and I find them best when I put them in milkshakes, as it covers their taste and they're easy to mix.

#5 - Sunflower Seeds:
I couldn't leave these out, as I think they're perfect to add to most dishes, with the advantage of actually looking (and tasting) like a proper ingredient. No disregard to all the other cool seeds out there, but sunflower seeds are the tastier and have similar benefits to many of their counterparts.


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