We Forgot How to Sleep

Here is a well-known fact that you haven't thought about lately: people nowadays, with all the buzz from a productive day to day life, either sleep too little or too much. Which, in turn, makes them all the less productive and happy in every single way.

While it is hard to ascertain the right ammount of sleep for everyone, as we all have different body clocks, and sleep patterns alter depending on a lot of factors: age, tiredness, sleep deprivation, etc. Truth is: you can never make up for a badly slept night. Sure, you can always sleep more the night after, but what's lost is lost. As such, it is always better to keep consistent sleep everytime the opportunity arises.

Sleeping too little is the most common in these burdened days. Too much work, too much play, too much drink: everything contributes to sleeping less which affects our attention span, health, way we eat, how efficiently we learn, motivation, and overall health.

Sleeping too much is also connected with an unhealthy dormant life as it's an early sign of depression with good reason. People who are unmotivated tend to sleep more hours than normal. It does more harm than good.

Many studies say that the ideal sleeping time is around 7 hours. But as stated previously, take care when looking at this number, as it depends on many factors the ammount of sleep that you need.

Sleep cycles are duly important. If you wake up during deep sleep, you're prone to feel groggy a good portion of the day. Although it is hard to determine sleep cycles, they usually last one hour and a half. And waking up when sleep is lighter is usually the way to go. Of course, waking up naturally is sure way you wake up at the end of a cycle, but who can afford to do that?

Another factors to look at are how confortable you are in general, positions, and very importantly the lack of light and sound. The human body will better rest with the very minimum of these two invaders, and the ideal is to have a completely noise and light free environment.

Avoid hitting the snooze button too often. It gives you less rest than you think it does.

Sleep tight.


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